
头文件 Headers

CPU上的向量化技术目前主要流行SSE和AVX,其中AVX是现在INTEL最新的CPU向量化技术。SSE和AVX都需要特殊的“函数”来告知此处使用VPU(向量处理器)来处理,这些函数的特点就是特别底层,类似汇编但又不是汇编。想要使用这些指令就需要包上对应的头文件,下面这个表格总结了关于SIMD的相关的头文件。使用时当然不需要知道这么多,immintrin.h这个文件把所有的SIMD指令都包含在内了(X86,AMD 3dnow等),如果只想使用X86系列的所有指令,那就包x86intrin.h文件。

| Header | Purpose |
| x86intrin.h | x86 instructions _rdtsc() |
| mmintrin.h | MMX (Pentium MMX!) |
| mm3dnow.h | 3dnow! (K6-2) (deprecated) |
| xmmintrin.h | SSE + MMX (Pentium 3, Athlon XP) |
| emmintrin.h | SSE2 + SSE + MMX (Pentiuem 4, Ahtlon 64) |
| pmmintrin.h | SSE3 + SSE2 + SSE + MMX (Pentium 4 Prescott, Ahtlon 64 San Diego) |
| tmmintrin.h | SSSE3 + SSE3 + SSE2 + SSE + MMX (Core 2, Bulldozer) |
| popcntintrin.h | POPCNT (Core i7, Phenom subset of SSE4.2 and SSE4A) |
| ammintrin.h | SSE4A + SSE3 + SSE2 + SSE + MMX (Phenom) |
| smmintrin.h | SSE4_1 + SSSE3 + SSE3 + SSE2 + SSE + MMX (Core i7, Bulldozer) |
| nmmintrin.h | SSE4_2 + SSE4_1 + SSSE3 + SSE3 + SSE2 + SSE + MMX (Core i7, Bulldozer) |
| wmmintrin.h | AES (Core i7 Westmere, Bulldozer) |
| immintrin.h | AVX, SSE4_2 + SSE4_1 + SSSE3 + SSE3 + SSE2 + SSE + MMX (Core i7 Sandy Bridge, Bulldozer) |




一颗CPU的理论浮点峰值性能反应了这颗CPU的最大浮点处理能力,通常也称为CPU的吞吐量。一般来说,CPU浮点风机统计的浮点计算类型只包含乘法和加法(包括减法)。对于Intel X86系列的CPU来说,计算峰值双精度为单精度的一半。
单精度浮点峰值性能 = VPU数量 × VPU频率 × 每周期乘法和加法的吞吐
目前主要计算时使用了VPU代替CPU主要因为VPU的性能远比CPU好,举个例子,我的i5-3470,VPU数量应该是2个,VPU主频近似于CPU主频3.2G,AVX具有FMA能够同时计算加法和乘法,同时采用SIMD计算的方式,能同时计算256长度(8个单精度浮点)的向量,因此就是2×3.2×16=102.4GFLOPS同查到的数值一致(证明确实只有两个AVX处理单元)。再比如Intel Xeon Phi 7110P协处理器,拥有61个VPU,每个核主频1.091GHz,每个VPU长度512位(16个单精度浮点),也支持FMA,因此就是61×1.091×32=2129.632GFLOPS,同手册上一致。其实使用这个公式的目的不是让你计算浮点性能(这个往往很容易知道),主要是来判断你有多少个VPU数量,这样在开线程的时候,可以根据这个数量来开充分向量化的线程。而不再根据你有多少个硬件线程数来开线程。
其实书上往往告诉你,并行计算表现最好的时候是你开的线程数等于硬件核心数的时候。但现在SIMD技术的不断成熟,编写出来的代码如果是充分向量化后的代码 ,最合适的线程数应该是你的VPU的数量。但往往我们不能达到这个充分向量化,因为程序中毕竟还有很多不适合SIMD编程的地方。对于这种VPU跑不满的问题,要么通过优化算法使其适合做成SIMD程序,要么通过增加线程数,使得不同线程达到互相掩盖访存延迟的效果。

这里并不涉及SIMD编程的内容,感兴趣自己找找Intel AVX指令集手册来看看。



Intel Core 2 and Nehalem:

  • 4 DP FLOPs/cycle: 2-wide SSE2 addition + 2-wide SSE2 multiplication
  • 8 SP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide SSE addition + 4-wide SSE multiplication

Intel Sandy Bridge/Ivy Bridge:

  • 8 DP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide AVX addition + 4-wide AVX multiplication
  • 16 SP FLOPs/cycle: 8-wide AVX addition + 8-wide AVX multiplication

Intel Haswell/Broadwell/Skylake:

  • 16 DP FLOPs/cycle: two 4-wide FMA (fused multiply-add) instructions
  • 32 SP FLOPs/cycle: two 8-wide FMA (fused multiply-add) instructions

AMD K10:

  • 4 DP FLOPs/cycle: 2-wide SSE2 addition + 2-wide SSE2 multiplication
  • 8 SP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide SSE addition + 4-wide SSE multiplication

AMD Bulldozer/Piledriver/Steamroller, per module (two cores):

  • 8 DP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide FMA
  • 16 SP FLOPs/cycle: 8-wide FMA

Intel Atom (Bonnell/45nm, Saltwell/32nm, Silvermont/22nm):

  • 1.5 DP FLOPs/cycle: scalar SSE2 addition + scalar SSE2 multiplication every other cycle
  • 6 SP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide SSE addition + 4-wide SSE multiplication every other cycle

AMD Bobcat:

  • 1.5 DP FLOPs/cycle: scalar SSE2 addition + scalar SSE2 multiplication every other cycle
  • 4 SP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide SSE addition every other cycle + 4-wide SSE multiplication every other cycle

AMD Jaguar:

  • 3 DP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide AVX addition every other cycle + 4-wide AVX multiplication in four cycles
  • 8 SP FLOPs/cycle: 8-wide AVX addition every other cycle + 8-wide AVX multiplication every other cycle

ARM Cortex-A9:

  • 1.5 DP FLOPs/cycle: scalar addition + scalar multiplication every other cycle
  • 4 SP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide NEON addition every other cycle + 4-wide NEON multiplication every other cycle

ARM Cortex-A15:

  • 2 DP FLOPs/cycle: scalar FMA or scalar multiply-add
  • 8 SP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide NEONv2 FMA or 4-wide NEON multiply-add

Qualcomm Krait:

  • 2 DP FLOPs/cycle: scalar FMA or scalar multiply-add
  • 8 SP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide NEONv2 FMA or 4-wide NEON multiply-add

IBM PowerPC A2 (Blue Gene Q), per core (supports 4 hyperthreads):

  • 8 DP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide QPX FMA every cycle
  • SP elements are extended to DP and processed on the same units

IBM PowerPC A2 (Blue Gene Q), per thread:

  • 4 DP FLOPs/cycle: 4-wide QPX FMA every other cycle
  • SP elements are extended to DP and processed on the same units

Intel MIC (Xeon Phi), per core (supports 4 hyperthreads):

  • 16 DP FLOPs/cycle: 8-wide FMA every cycle
  • 32 SP FLOPs/cycle: 16-wide FMA every cycle

Intel MIC (Xeon Phi), per thread:

  • 8 DP FLOPs/cycle: 8-wide FMA every other cycle
  • 16 SP FLOPs/cycle: 16-wide FMA every other cycle